
The Adventures

NorseMen Overland Drawer Installation


I want to store all the stuff! I make a point of getting out frequently enough that the tried and true method of keeping gear in tote bins proves tedious. Loading the bins in and out every time and trying to keep the interiors tidy gets annoying and takes up extra time. Many overlanders opt instead for a drawer system in the cargo area of their vehicle.

NorseMen Overland is a new company out of the Salt Lake valley, built on years of experience in the custom interior home design and metal fabrication space. Currently in the prototype phase, this team is creating simple drawer systems focusing on lightweight dependability. The first versions are created out of aluminum composite material with nearly everything riveted in place and feature flush pressure latches and interior carpeting velcroed in place for easy removal.

Installation was quick! Now time will show how the prototype for GX470 holds up to trail time. Follow along on Instagram @littleariana for more adventures.

GuideAriana DufourComment