Utah4Runner Meetup
The Utah4Runner group teamed up with Detail Garage Salt Lake City to host the “DIRT or Shine” Truck Meet.
A Beautiful Line-Up
There’s something to be said for seeing so much hard work, time, and passion all lined up in one parking lot on a Saturday just for fun. Each build was unique, no two looked alike, because each one represented an owner’s vision. Some seemed to be built with utility in mind, others showed a flair for creativity, but all were undoubtedly beautiful.
Chemical Guys Wash Demo
During the meetup, we took a break for the Detail Garage team to kindly give us a wash demo using the fantastic Chemical Guys products they carry. The focus was on tough grime and mud removal after running trails. Afterwards, everyone enjoyed some more social time picking each other's brains on mod techniques and parts choices.
See ya next time!
Saw this sweet pupper on the way out.